Thursday, 21 June 2012

Our recent visit to the West Coast.


 The donkey at Mykonos, posing for a photo.

 Club Mykonos near Langebaan, West Coast, South Africa.

 Mini-golf at Club Mykonos.


Sunday, 5 February 2012

7 Springs Vineyard

I am so excited!  I am now officially part of the Seven Springs team!! 

On Tuesday, 31st January, Riana (winemaker at 7 Springs since January 2010) and myself went up to the farm - on the Hemel and Aarde Road, 10 minutes drive from Sumaridge Winery, on the dirt road, under the Shaws Mountain.

Riana had to get samples to check the sugar levels on the grapes and she started at the Syrah, these where planted July 2007, north facing slopes.

Later in 2007 some Sauvignon Blanc grapes where planted on 1.87 hectares.

I was privileged to be one of the first people to taste the very first Sauvignon Blanc (2010), a day before it was labeled! This Sauvignon was produced from grapes grown on the farm next to 7Springs, the vineyard manager's farm.

During 2008 3.41 hectares of Pinot Noir was planted on north facing slopes.  The very best rootstocks from KWV has been used!

 During 2008, 200 Frantoio olive trees where planted and Riana and myself will be attending to the olives after the grape harvest later this year.  Another blog will follow on olive-picking and all that follows!

Do yourself a favor and get a bottle of the 2010 and a bottle 0f the 2011 Sauvignon Blanc!  Stockists: Wine Village Hermanus, Wine and Co, Hermanus, Wine Concepts in Newlands and soon a few more outlets.

Chat to you soon about the harvest!
Also see:

Saturday, 14 January 2012

7Springs for Dinner

Knowing the wine and meeting the winemaker, Riana van der Merwe, regularly at wine tastings and shows, it was time to have a real good old fashioned "potjiekos" evening with her and owners, Tim and Vaughan Pearson.

The date was on for Friday the 13th at 18H00.  So I had to start prepping early yesterday morning to get everything ready!

On the menu : 

Yellow tale  Patè and homemade bread.  With 7Springs Chardonnay.
Venison Potjie with "krummel-" and "stywe-pap".  (Translated by the guests as crumbly porridge and sticky porridge.)  With 7Springs Shiraz
Malva pudding with Ideal froth and vanilla ice cream.
Cheese and biscuits, coffee and finished the evening with a great pot still Brandy from Barry & Nephew (Barrydale).                  

"Sticky porridge"  "Stywepap"

"Crumbly porridge"  "Krummelpap"
Our potjie busy cooking.

It tasted really, really good!
Malva pudding. Every-one had a 2nd helping!
Our guests catching up on news, before dinner.

Vaughan listening on.
Riana talking seriously about her wine!

Tim in a happy mood, as always! 

Tim getting ready to take a picture of the Potjie.
 It was a very enjoyable evening, with lots of laughs shared and interesting stories told!  Thank you for visiting. Sorry you missed Jan and Di!