Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Lion and Rhino Park Johannesburg

  On a recent trip to Jo'burg we visited the Rhino and Lion Nature Reserve in the Cradle of Humankind.

It was a lovely sunny Saturday morning and within an hour and a half we saw lots of lion, buck, rhino, zebra, wild dogs, cheetahs, leopards and more.  It was a great experience.

 Lions next to the road, I was terrified!

 The white lions where in there own camp and waiting to be fed, so we couldn't go in.  You could see that they where really hungry, walking up and down the fence and growling and staring!  Very, very scary!

The Warthog or Common Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus) is a wild member of the pig family that lives in grassland, savanna, and woodland in Sub-Saharan Africa.  (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The Secretarybird a large, mostly terrestrial bird of prey. Endemic to Africa, it is usually found in the open grasslands and savannah of the sub-Sahara.   (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

 Friends eating together.

African buffalo, they apparently have a very unpredictable nature!

"I have to say my prayers before I start eating!"

"Please take a Photo of me too?"  
 They keep lion cubs in a camp, you can pay to have your photo taken with them.  (they call this camp the creche)
 I didn't feel comfortable doing that, as to me it seemed like they where a bit anxious and disturbed.  But this one was really posing very relaxed for a photo on the rock, for some time!
 It was still the dry season, so the poor Zebra's stripes where more black and brown, than black and white.

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Entrance Fee
PRICING & ENTRANCE FEES: Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve and Wondercave
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Location Map
Rhion & Lion Nature Reserve Location Map
Operating Hours
Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve Operating Hours


  1. Lovely photos Hetta. I love the one of the Zebra, they are so photogenic. We have spent many a happy hour in the Kruger Park and loved every minute of it. But we have NEVER seen a Tiger in there ;)

  2. Tannie watse Kamera het tannie?
